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Sound composition and video piece about the power of the sun and the power of decolonization, a texture exploration of the surface of our unconquered star.
Installation view.
Projection at the old building facade Academy of Fine Arts Munich,
Yearly Exhibition PANDEMIC EDITON 2020.



"THE SUN" is a related digital 3D piece created by Merlin Stadler exhibited at the virtual Space THE CAVE.
The sound piece "THE SUN WILL COME" tape can be activated on this online game-like showroom.

Merlin Stadler is a Munich based artist working mostly with 3D modelling. For the 2020 yearly ADBK exhibition he created an interactive digital exhibition space called THE CAVE.
The sun room is one of the chambers of The Cave you can explore. On the site you can run, jump, listen to audio pieces and activate objects.

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